Thursday 2 May 2013

Me Made May 2013

Well this has been sitting here useless for some time so what better way to get it going than Me Made May 2013.

I've not taken part in a self stitched month before but it has occured to me recently that its been a very long time since I wore an outfit that was entirely "bought".  There's usually something that I've made.

For my participation in the blog I'm going to include things I've made for the children.  This will be the biggest challenge since I rarely make for them selfish seamstress that I am ;)

So here is my pledge

'I, Nicola of Sewvival, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I, or a member of my family, endeavour to wear an item of self stitched clothing each day for the duration of May 2013'

Here is a pic of day 2 - day 1 to follow since I'm a bit late to the party :)  Grey ponte 3 part yoga pants from Silhouette patterns.  Really easy to make up particularly if you have an overlocker.  I cut these out with the rotary cutter and then just overlock them together - can be done in an hour and a half.  there is no "head shot" today because I'm feeling rather fluey and the head shot would, frankly, take down the blogosphere.

Looking at the picture, which was expertly taken by my 11 yr old son, I can see that I still don't have the fit quite right on these.  But its such an easy pattern and they're so suitable to throw on in the morning for the school run or to walk the dog with that I'm happy to spend several iterations to get the fit right.   


  1. Great start to your MMM challenge - you've made some lovely things, you'll look fab all through May :-)

  2. Thanks TC, its nice to get feedback so soon after starting my new blog :D
